As I am working towards VSB01 I figured I could release a version in the middle between the two. So what have I added in VSB0.5 that VS11 does not?
Enabled Day and Night Cycle
Fixed Lighting Issues
Created The Environment Tab
Place Blocks
Created The Build Menu
Move Blocks
Building Controls
Controls In Main Menu and In-Game Menu
Quit Button
Basics Of The Building System
Delete Selected Block Before Placing It
Movement Grid For Blocks
Loading Screen For Regular Mode
For the next middle version of VSB before the 01 version, I plan on improving the building system and painting. I'll be letting you add blocks to a Hotbar and allow you to place blocks in a much easier manner by allowing you to not have to restart where your block spawns. Currently, it spawns relative to you but in the future I want blocks to spawn relative to where you placed the last block. This speeds up the building process and improves the building experience.
I'll also be adding a super mode which allows you to move blocks instead of small 0.1 increments but in increments of the entire block scale. I'll also add a custom slider for the movement increments in steps of 0.1.
I'm taking a lot of inspiration from the building system in Blockland and Brickadia. Lego Worlds is a great example of what you shouldn't do. For a game about building with Legos, it had a not-so-great building system.
You can download VSB0.5 on the downloads page here.